Purposed 2 Life #11 Inspirational

The ever changing of time & oppurtunity

Don’t let chance escape you by not seizing what’s meant for you

Ecclesiastes 3:1 King James Version (KJV)  “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

Our greatest commodity and most treasured gift is “Time”. It sneakes upon you and often it surprises you how fast it gets away. Chase and point taking a nap on a Sunday  afternoon after church. There’s no comparison to how Time’s quick sudden arrival and short lived period of existence fades away. The thing is, do we recognize how valuable and how precious it is? Much to our dismay we often let time get away from us on a regular occurrence, all because  we are too engrossed in life. Such as, a TV program, home-life stuff, busy at work or even occupied or inundated with serious matters that consume our day. Whatever has absorbed your time has it been worth it enough to let time continue to get away from you? Have you impacted someone’s life with your time or better yet has your life  become beneficial to the time it was given? These are the questions that we must face or take stock of how we are approaching our time each day. Ask yourself, do I really realize what time I do have and have I made good on what I’m gifted with by God, the most precious treasure in life is “TIME.”

One thing we can be certain of that once time has come it’s gone almost instantly in a simultaneous manner. Yes, just in a split-second it vanishes as soon as it appears never to return. It can’t be bought back, can’t be wished or prayed back, just gone forever. The Bible says “life is like a vapor in the wind,” but so is our time. My fellow human beings of all races, and ethnic decent we all experience life and time in the same way, it is our most common denominator, it’s so precious and so limited to us, don’t waste anymore of it.

Ecclesiastes 9:1 KJV-Ref. scripture:  (Time & Chance)

The thing is what are we doing to take advantage of the time we’re given? Have we seized the moment, do we understand the principles of life enough to notice that time is slipping away swiftly? We find ourselves runnng against the preverbal clock ticking away in our soul & minds to just maximize the potential that essential to becoming who we are destined to be. As we prioritize our day let us also benefit from lives figurative treadmill that has us moving so aggressively towards something more rewarding and promising to our futures. Our decisions to take life and time very seriously is that we accomplish the task of becoming a well vested human being in our own life circumstances redeeming the TIME we’re given; and not just marching along life’s journey letting it get away and never ever enjoying the fruits of our labor. Remember you may be in a rat’s race against time but your only out of time if you allow it to slip away from your grasp. Just as today marked the end of daylight savings time as our clocks went back one hour, you too can adjust your time to work for you not against you. In all aspects of life, time can be on your side. By all means, make sure your time works in your favor. May your life bring you ENOUGH TIME, that your opportunities render every second with a rewarding blissful experience each and everyday.

Time may pass but don’t let it Get away 🚶

John 9:4 ESV  We must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming, when no one can work.