Keep PURSUING your dreams but dont tell everyone yOur plans
The keys to your future success is to not get the wrong ones involved in the process. 
Proverbs 4:23 New International Version (NIV) 23 Above all else, guard your heart,
for everything you do flows from it.
Life is full of negative people that with the right opportunity will try to kill your dreams if you let them. But on the other hand if you consider yourself to be a Big dreamer, proceed with precautionary measures. Your friends are your friends and your family is just your family. Contrary to what you may believe, everyone that’s in your life or in your immediate circle is not rooting for your success and accomplishments. Some people vow to have your back and be your support system but they are sitting on the side lines waiting for you to fail. Now I’m not trying to turn you away from people you care about or close too. But there are some that don’t share in your dreams and aspirations. Some of them are secretly plotting your demise waiting to stick a hole in your balloon 🎈 and deflate your dreams, others will rain ☔ on your parade. So you have to be smart with whom you share your personal in tell with about your dreams. Shhhhhh….it’s G14 classified. Lol..😂
Seriously, have you ever met anyone that when you mention your plans to them, they quickly try to one- up you by immediately mentioning their plans as if theirs are bigger & better? Huh! Lol… I have certainly, it’s just so silly I know! 😜 Or have you ever mentioned something you wanted to do in the near future and they automatically tried to discourage you and talk you out of it; by finding made up reasons why you shouldn’t pursue it? Well, let this disclaimer be known to you today: they are Dream-Killers. 😩☠ Poisonous company, so beware. Yes, these kinds of individuals you can not tell any of your plans, hopes, goals and any aspirations to. You may live to regret it. #1. They are jealous of you, wishing they were like you a Dreamer. #2. They are mad at you, cause they don’t have the boldness to do what you do. #3. They are too negative and too busy worrying about you to ever get anything going or done ✅ for themselves. So unfortunately they try to sabotage you and anything connected to you. My friend we must be wise in these kinds of circumstances of life and become smarter in your approach to success.There are 3 simple Keys 🔑🔑 🔑 to life success; Dream big, Plan much, but Remain quiet in the process until it comes to past. Everybody is not supporting you in your efforts. So some of them aren’t truly on your side. Let discretion become your friend and secrecy become your stepping stool to victory over nay sayers and negative talkers against what God has given to you to succeed.
Your future plans are only unlocked with true promise by the tools of discretion 
Proverbs 2:11 KJV Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: