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    • How we lift Up others, will always return back to us Good

      Never underestimate the impact you can have oN another’s life

      You can do a lot of things throughout life that have some merit and validity that gets you much recognition. There’s certainly nothing wrong with goals, aspirations and accomplishment. But I believe what God wants from us and what we should seek most in life is how we can be a positive affect on somebody else’s life. Oftentimes if we’re honest many of us look 👀 to uplift ourselves. And we should to a healthy degree. You do have to be your own greatest cheerleader 📣 in life. But like the song writer said,“WHAT, have you done for me lately?” Gives us all something to think 🤔 about huh? Well just like you, people all around you each day are dealing with life too. Some days are good, some are not so good. We all have to take the bitter 🤮with the sweet🍎. It’s inevitable, so don’t think you’re the “Lone Ranger” as your approaching life with uncertainty, misfortune, hardship & pain. This too will pass as they say. But in the meantime as your dealing with real life issues, practice lifting up your fellow brother & sister!!! It goes a long way, and it will surely brighten their day. A kind word, a nice phone 📲 call or just a simple hello, how have you been. As you greet them without bringing up the stuff, for a change just listen to them with genuine concern then possibly pray 🙏🏽 for them. NICE gesture, huh, imagine that! 1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.   RLW MINISTRIES: As the scripture reminds us; “All things are working for all of our good, through Christ JESUS,” but sometimes it just feels good to have someone else help you to remember that. To have another person join in your struggle or maybe build you up when life has sometimes beat you down for vigorously can be so crucial to you making it through another day. As we wake up each day, let’s say a prayer to thank GOD for life, but ask him to impart some encouraging words to bless someone else’s life. I promise it will not return unto you void. You might just be the recipient of that awesome 👏🏽 encouragement in a very moment of your life. Acts 20:35 - I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.       Deposit some good energy into the atmosphere, let your voice & life create some HOPE for humanity all around you. We should never take for granted that people we know or even come in contact with are doing well all the time. That’s just reality, no one ☝🏽 is ever doing well all the time. So they just might need you more than you can ever know. What we practice in life becomes our behavior, so if your behavior is to uplift people all the time, than you will adopt that good behavior as your character. How awesome 👏🏽 👏🏽 is that? Lifting up others can become your life’s mission, melody and song when you for ways to be a blessing. Oh how beautiful, does that sound? MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT! God has not left you out the equation, someone, somewhere at  so point will return the favor at a very critical time in your life, when feeling down had turn your smile upside down into a frown. Jesus will send a person along to lift guy right back up when you need it most. So let’s focus on what we all need the most, is encouragement that together we can overcome anything. It’s with a little encouragement from our fellow man and the help of LORD we all can make it another day to smile 😊 again. Philippians 4:8 - Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. .    
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    • Inspirational #64

      Expecting the best, when bad happens 

      How do you move on when tragic things hit so close to   home?

        This is my Offical post for this month of January 2020. It’s been one whole year a one month since last I last wrote a blog post. I have missed sharing with you all but I’ve been completing writing ✍🏾 my 3rd book 📚 “PURPOSED TO MAKE A DIVINE IMPACT ON EARTH” 🌎 its a awesome 👏🏽 read. And I’ll be announcing its release soon right on this forum and other social media platforms. STAY TUNED! So As I’m writing ✍🏾 this new post, I’ll like to take a moment to bring some awareness to how precious & valuable our life is, as if you don’t already know. But, Of course I’m so unaware of what this year 2020 holds for anyone in my immediate life. Good things hopefully! I do know I live my life hoping and trusting for the best even after I get knocked down or seemly knocked out with some major blows sometimes. Reality has its way of giving you a different perspective on what’s important, especially when you hear of someone else’s difficult time of sadness 😢 or and pain. So I like to share with you my today’s experience, story etc.., So, a lady stopped 🛑 me in my moms apartment elevator today just to let me in on her personal story of hardship. Most people would say, oh well, I got my own problems and concerns why should I listen to anyone else’s stuff too? But I did, and took time out of my day just to listen and let her vent. You never know how much that helps people sometimes. Stressing, worrying 💁🏻and praying 🙏🏽 trying to keep the faith in a state of difficulty can be a full time job for some or maybe many, given the right scenario or set of circumstances. Well this lady that has had some past history of me visiting my moms building frequently, knew I was a minister also, so she decided to confide in me...And her story is quite compelling, and very complex too. She asked “have I heard of a guy being detained over-sees in some foreign country?” But I answered no, I haven’t. Well, just so happened the guy is her 59 year old son who was held hostage for doing missionary work. Can you imagine, entrapped in this foreign country for spreading the ✝️ gospel?  Well he certainly is, although the government🇺🇸 has got somewhat involved, he still remains stuck there, all to no avail from the efforts of Vice President Pence or TRUMP, 👎🏽who knowingly has somehow intervened slightly. So, this really kind lady’s son who’s a dedicated missionary, has only been released to stay in a whole in the wall type rinky-dink hotel. And he’s still very much isolated from the rest of the public is now living off very little comfortable means even though he had missionary funds to do his work fully well. He’s work and trip is surly not playing out under any desirable means and has only gotten worse. Those foreign authorities are daily punishing him over there just to be unusually harsh, cruel and anti-Christians. After being blown away from her sad story, I calmly asked for her son’s name, “it’s BRIAN, she replied, and told her I would remember his name in prayer. I’ll like to think 🤔  and believe this fraction of my time listening and offering prayers made her day as she said, she been meaning to catch me as I visited my mom. Life is full of unexpected things but we can help carrying each other’s load in prayers and time with common concern fir others. WELL, what’s next, one may think?....

      Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV

      Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.           WHEN YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO, what do you Do? Often we find ourselves or even our family members find themselves in the most precarious or unimaginable situation and circumstances that are truly out of our control. Even when we seek to do good, evil, trouble and tragedy is somewhere all around us. Sometimes our best efforts still is not good enough to bail us out of what we’re going through and the tight grips of despair 😩 and  sadness are the constant reminders of the complexities of LIFE So how do we cope with these unfortunate and unfair conditions? How do we make sense of what don’t make no sense? The Only solution I know is, to keep 🧎‍♀️ 🙏🏽 🧎‍♀️ looking up, and never GIVE-up, and never loose-HOPE in Jesus!  He’s the author and finisher of our Faith!

      Psalm 121:1-2 KJV

      121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

      My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. RLW Ministries: Sometimes life doesn’t seem fair, and you’re often dealt a bad hand 🖐🏽. Just know you’re life is not over and neither is your journey to freedom and victory nor has been canceled as long as you’re still breathing. Trust, You still have HOPE, a real DESTINY and a true opportunity to be victorious even when all odds are stacked against you, There’s a testimony awaiting you in the end, if your hold on never let GOD will deliver you, when all else has fail, He love ❤️ never ✝️ will! Be encourage, keep the faith and remember who holds your future ⏰ in his hand. 👏🏽  
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    • Purposed 2 Life # 66 Inspirational Trust the Source not man made resources

      Who are We putting Our trust in God or man? 

      We are all living in some trying times, but what makes us aware of how to move forward and through it progressively and victoriously is our relationship with God. Some way, some how we have lost the true connection that caused us to be Christ like created being. This world 🌎 is in a terrible state of mind and a frail state of existence. Often times when we have missed the mark of wby we are here on this planet. The unity  is lost, our love ❤️ for our God and others are rapidly diminishing has we live not according to the BIBLE. This country and many other countries were founded upon the principles and doctrines of the word of GOD. How we make it through any crisis and every battle we face individually or collectively is up to our own actions, not God’s performance. It’s so easy to blame God and not take responsibility for our own actions and deeds of sin that cause consequences upon us as a people. But if we become conscience and proactive in faith not reactive in fear we can cancel out every plot of the enemy 👺and afflictions 🤮😷 of our body. Our minds can be renewed, our love can be restored and our live can be transformed for the better.

      Romans 12:2 King James Version (KJV)
      And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.   RLW MINISTRIES:  This is a day of reformation, God has caused the afflictions of the land to push us to look towards him. It is through our adversaries that we are assured a great VICTORY! Know this, because of the challenges, battles, and crisis in life we have been a ark of safety. No hurt, no harm shall come nigh us, no matter what the devil tries to do to us through 😱 fear. If we look to God draw closer to him, hold onto his hand 🖐🏽 begin to bow 🙇‍♀️ our heads and worship Him, we can see the glory of God moving in our life like never before. 

      There’s nothing To hard for God 

      Often we hear that God can do anything but fail, which is absolutely true. But the question is are we trusting that we can also achieve anything through the power of the HOLY GHOST!  The same power that got JESUS up out the grave, also is that same COMFORTER, given to us also to have power over sickness, poverty, fear, sin, and every wicked devise of the enemy. This is a strategic time ⏰ to reach God like never before. This pledge upon the world is not coincidental, sometimes things happen on a grand stage such as this COVID 19 pandemic to get our collective attention to look 👀 to our creator, who is the author and finisher of our faith. What may be affecting our normalcy doesn’t have to be our final destiny. It is truth, wisdom and obedience that gives us a triumphant ending. 🙌🏽 Praise GOD.

      Psalm 121 King James Version (KJV)

      121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

      My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore. Let your days ahead teach your something of upmost importance that GOD is still in control. May this Corona virus 🦠 outbreak 😷 help you to recall some significant, biblical mandates to live holy, righteous and love ❤️ God with your whole heart mind and spirit. This is not the time to live in fear and panic, it’s not the time to become a greedy individual living in fear and not faith, with believing principles of the holy word. But it’s a crucial time to draw closer to God than ever before. May the grace of God guard our hearts 💕 and mind through CHRIST JESUS our Lord. AMEN! 🙏🏽✝️
      Psalm 20:7 King James Version (KJV)
      Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.

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    • Purposed 2 Life #69 Inspirational Where are you now? Is your life still on course?

      know who are, but more importantly, Know where you’re headed

      If you’re not looking ahead for better, than you’re stuck in A place of Stagnation, Thus Regression prohibits your abIlity to viEw The progress of tomorrow, or what lies ahead today!

      It is often we look at our surroundings with such distaste or even disdain emotions because we can’t see passed where we’ve been, or what is taking place in our lives now. So our ability to keep our eyes 👀 looking forward is sometimes, hampered or hindered by lives many distractions and storms we’re going through. It’s like this, if your journey 🏃🏾🏃🏾‍♂️in life is to make some daily progress, how little it maybe, count it all as an small meaningful accomplishment it will soon add up to  something significant. But if you find yourself overcome by the urges to keep looking backwards or side ways at your problems or situations you’re against; than you will loose your edge to progress with the ability to think clearly and to rationalize the fact, that your headed forward to a greater and better environment. This is your path to victory and your road map 🗺 to some positive provisions and blessings awaiting you to behold. So my friend keep looking forward through the windshield 🚘 life to see where you’re headed, and not constantly looking in the rear view mirror of what or where you’ve already come through.

      Philippians 3:14  

      I press toward the mark of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus! WHERE ARE YOU NOW? Where are you headed? Don’t let the storms of life pull you under. Look to God he’s you answer!

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    • Purposed 2 Life Inspirational # 68 Hate kills but LOVE heals!

      Can we build up each other, by tarrying down another? GOD FORBID! 


      The above is an outcry against Injustice, but more importantly, we should be crying out for Information to build up our Intelligence, to deal with racism & brutality of authorities amongst our Black Americans..vs..White Americans in our communities. 😥Oh, WOW! woooweee...where do I start?...Please excuse the long reply...but hopefully you’ll get why?

      This is my take away of this video link above. “Black America” is definitely in an outrage, I do understand. And Rightfully so...due to such injustice, evil, and racism that is ever present and being afflicted upon our African American brothers & sisters on a daily bases. But make no mistake about it, I’m not condoning the uncivilized behaviors and radical negative methods we black folks have used to retaliate against others of authority in our cities & towns. We as a black race of people are better than this, but we are not showing it to be so. We have resulted to using our physical means to send a negative message with such disdain and grave acts of violence. It is so unsettling to see this reaction to police brutality, so consequently its setting us Black people, back in time 50 years plus.... Yes, Malcolm X and radical others such as the Black panthers used these extreme methods to get there point across. No disrespect but they are not being celebrated and they are not responsible for the great change of progression that black people have been somewhat been afforded over the last 5-6 decades. It was only through great leadership like MARTIN LUTHER KING and others of peace, who stood for civil rights and the founding of truth and honor for all. “MLK” united people, not divided us even the more through violence and disruption. Even though it was afflicted on him greatly and many others the same as they pursued their mission for justice. It was also Martin’s mission and intelligent methods and thinking that ultimately got us the victory we have today, even-though it’s still ongoing. He used his God given voice of non-violence with peace and justice for all. MLK says: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Martin Luther King Jr. My personal mission is to spread peace & love ❤️ despite what I feel, or what has been afflicted upon me and what I’m up against daily. God designed peace in the mist of any and all chaotic storms. THATS WHAT BLACK PEOPLE have got to start comprehending NOW.! We will certainly always experience many life struggles, problems, hardships and many deaths as a result of evil. But committing rail for rail afflictions of violence and outrage against our communities does not result in any good positive change or good solutions. Unfortunately “White Americans” and other races will not change because we are using our fist or violent behavior. They will only grow more calluses of more racist hate. 💕Love can only drive out hate, not more hate. To get our counter part races to pay attention, we have to stay calm, use our heads not our fist and facilitate rational talks with intellectual thinking. It’s only through prayer, and asking God for divine wisdom that will render the effects of positive and progressive change for the better. Black people, no matter how mad we get and or hurt we are, it will not promote any good sensible attention or change. Acting crazy with violence, starting fires and looting will only perpetuate the negative stigma that MKL and other great leaders spoke and stood against. ✝️ RLW Ministries: “Trouble will always find us, but what will we do when it arrives. What can we do to deter the negative reactions that we portray? Can we exhibit some much needed productivity that will combat all the counterproductive reactions we commit as a result of what has always been against us, EVILNESS! This evil is much unwarranted persecution against for sure. But, even in our great despair, Nevertheless, GOD is always on our side. ◄ Job 14:1 ►KJV King James Version Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. So in my closing, I pray 🙏🏽 that the Floyd family heals, and the violence everywhere all over our country stop. 🛑 Also that this video doesn’t promote any further negative actions. “Dondre’ is obviously hurt and in rage I do understand you see and hear it in his voice. But he needs to be aware that he has got to calm down, think things through. He needs to pray that the enemy does not use him in this social media platform to spread a wicked and viral message of outrage and hate. I pray for him and all of us Black Americans the same. We must understand that You cannot promote building people up while tarrying them down at the same time. Mark 3:25 KJV And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. ✝️🙏🏽 RLW Ministries May GOD’s grace & mercy shine upon us all with His LOVE.
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    • Purposed 2 Life Inspirational #65 Love is not always what see, it’s shown

      How we express our love, displays our true heart


      Can we really exhibit true affection and appreciation towards our families and friends and those we meet just by occasional kind words or a simple hug. Or does it go a lithe deeper that? Perhaps it’s done through sensitive acts of kindness in the way you reach out to your fellow brother or sister you come in contact with you may not even have met before. Often we reserve our love for only the ones we’re close to. Leaving others we run into a distant second in showing genuine concern towards them. But is that how CHRIST, would do it? Know I know you’re thinking, this was Valentine’s weekend and everyone was showing and expressing love 💕 in the most generous way towards their significant others. 💯 Yes, they were including me. And surely tried my best to shower my wife Latorya, with all I could to express my deepest heart felt sentiment of my appreciation towards her. But I wonder do we consider, how would Jesusview the world if he was here waking the earth observing our actions during certain times of the year like Valentine’s Day ? Does it really take a holiday to show love, affection and appreciation? Does it have to be a special occasion to give someone flowers? 🌹🌹Yes, roses are nice and special so, receiving them should definitely mean something truly significant. But showing love all year long to your spouse, family and even being kind to others is what really makes the impact and difference in another’s person Life! When love is given the right way it can make the most profound statement and difference. As a man expresses his love to a woman. Christ loves the church the same way. Love is shown and freely given 😍

        Jeremiah 31:3 - The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, [saying], Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. My hope that I’ve shown some love 💗 towards someone that has made a lasting significant effect on their life in such a way, it change the trajectory of their journey to know God’s unchanging, unmatched, unconditional L O V E, given toward us. It was His son who died for all mankind, gave his life on Calvary ✝️ just so we could have a life freed from the afflictions of sin, guilt and shame. What kind of live is that! The scripture states: “ John 15:13 Greater love than a man would lay down his life for a friend.” I can’t imagine not having it. Don’t won’t experience life without GOD’s love. Even we don’t understand what to do or how to move forward in any given situation, God’s love makes provision, gives shield 🛡 of protection and eliminates all doubt and fear so that we can overcome and make it through all trials, test and difficult circumstances we’re up against.

      If Love Abides in our Hearts, then GOD resides 

      RLW Ministries: If you’re desiring someone to show you love, first exhibit it to others. It does always cost you monetarily, sometimes it’s just takes a moment of your time. Offer a prayer 🙏🏽 a hug 🤗 smile and a kind word towards another can go a long way. Even give someone a compliment some time throughout your day. Those things mean a lot. It can change someone’s frown inside out cause them to show love and give it to others. We all have the ability and the capacity to render love ❤️ and receive it genuinely from and to each other. Let it govern your heart and let it inhabit your life. Love is the greatest force in heaven and the most profound act on EARTH 🌎. Let’s all do our best to show more love.

      1 Corinthians 16:14 - Let all your things be done with charity.

      Love is showing CHARITY, without it Life has no real meaning or reason for living. If you want to be more kind, more appreciative, practice showing love in all you say and do. It will change your life for the better. Don’t wait till someone’s gone or something major happens it may be too late. As we practice love it becomes who we are. * Remember just because God doesn’t answer your prayers 🙏🏽 right away or give you what you want all the time does not mean He don’t love you. It’s just His love knows what’s best for us. And in time He will answer with a greater reply; better than what we had hoped for or ever imagined. God is the essence of Love, even what we desire in our hearts 💕 is put their by God when it’s motives are derivative of LOVE!

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    • Purposed 2 Life Inspirational #70 Overcoming All the Bad to See the Good in Life

      Seeing the Good in what seems all To be bad! 

      Our personal perSpective determines our Ability to be Self productive

      Often we embark upon each day 🌦with the unwillingness to view life differently than the day before all because of our current predicaments. We find ourselves embracing the idea of things remaining stagnated or unchanging because it appears to not be getting better. So we become completely frustrated. There continues to be this nagging feeling within that disrupts our peace of mind 🤯and unpleasantly interferes with what we are hoping will be much different some day soon. But consistently we still measure our day up to that unwanted feeling that has truly manifested into unpleasantness. What do we do with all of this negative vibe, as it’s beyond our control? All because it is our current life and surroundings that have built a world 🌎 of dislike, can we not see past the struggle? It sometimes seems as if nothing is working in our favor because it doesn’t appear to be good in it at the moment. So our hopeful wishes of deliverance or change diminishes into our day as sure as the sun sets. Does that mean God has forgot about us or our situation? I would say certainly NOT SO!  Even when it looks too difficult or too unbearable to deal with any longer, It’s still working for your good.  Somehow someway, you are coming out stronger & better in the process, than before.

      Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

      There’s some questions that flood our minds often in the midst of seemly times of dispair. What can one do in the middle of the challenges of the day? Do we waddle in our misery or do we choose to view life differently? Can we ease the pain of discomfort by pitying ourselves openly so that others see our misery 😫 too? This is not the solution or opportune way to lift yourself up out a gutter mentality. It will not change anything for you or about the set of circumstances you find yourself dealing with. Sometimes if we seriously look at our surroundings, we ourselves are the ones who magnify the problems; all how we react to what we’re dealing with. I know it seems easer said than done ✅ to let it all go. YES, that’s just it we have to free our minds of worry and strain to produce a change. You will ultimately do yourself a favor emotionally too in process. John 14:1 “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.

      It’s only when you began to see outside your circumstances things will get better, as you’re still in the midst of it all. Your daily positive perspective changes things drastically for you when you allow yourself to think differently. See it’s not in the situation that measures your mature mindset, its the actions we produce in the situations that help us to develop into better human beings of adaptation. No matter how many bad things are occurring all around you, you are the determining factor that controls your emotions, actions and behavior and ultimately your way of 💭 thinking  🤔. You have choose to build upon the good even when it’s not visible or obvious to see. Good is all around us we just have to choose to see more of it than the bad that evidently rearing it’s ugly head constantly. The human brain 🧠 is the most powerful muscle we have, but it’s barely used in its full capacity. We all the ability to produce good thoughts 💭 so use them to be a blessing to your own life. 

      As you allow your mind to generate good thoughts, yourself benefits from the results!
      For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
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    • Purposed 2 Life Inspirational #72 Reflecting, does it make us humble & thankful? Or are we just regretful?

      Life is Not always what it appears to be even in the midst of difficulties

      As we acknowledge our Purpose for life and embrace it, we find out wHat we thought was detrimental prove to be more than instrumental

      Reflecting on this year crusts can seem quite scary at times and understandingly painful all because of the state of our nation and this entire world’s sickness and death toll we’re facing. All of us came into 2020 with such high hopes and dreams of this being our year of miracles, blessings, accomplishments and success like never before. It may appear to some to feel like defeat, quite devastating and inescapable without any possibility of ☮️ peace.  That’s just it, we can’t always escape our realities, it’s a part of life. The bad and the good, the bitter and the sweet comes in all shapes forms and fashion. We look at our media, whether it’s TV news reports, radio shows, AP press release, or social media which is so influential, it’s very hard to gather or witness any positive thinking or hopefulness anymore these days. I was even watching a streamed program last night which I really love, this TV show called “FOR LIFE” on the second season in which the African American 🇺🇸 man was released from prison after serving 10 years from being wrongfully accused of a crime he didn’t comment. Prior to his release he served the prison by becoming an attorney while locked 🔒 up behind bars. THAT’S ASTOUNDING in it self ! Not to mention he got serval others falsely accursed inmates released by representing them, although it took years to accomplish getting himself out from under false trumped up charges. He bravely persevered and believed in his own innocence even though all odds were against him, hex hung in there until his time came. Now he’s a free man 👨🏽 practicing law today fighting injustice on the outside for others still now years later. And the beauty and reality of it all is that this is a TRUE story! So You see it’s not what has happen to us that determines what we ultimately become, it’s how we keep the FAITH 🙏🏽 hold on to God until our change happens. We all have the chance and opportunity to defeat misery, pain, and any turmoil that we’re up against. Even in the midst of a National- or World 🌎 pandemic we still have hope in JESUS CHRIST. Trouble doesn’t last always, joy is still coming.
      For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
      Life Is What you make of it, not the state of the world at any given moment
      We often wrestle with the ideas of will there ever be true peace ✌🏽 amongst our nation’s government and those in authority over our cities, towns and even local neighborhood and communities. Somehow we all have lost our way, in someway or another. Seems as if our ethical and spiritual barometers are off, we can’t gauge whether to go left or go right in any situation, is there any moral compass left in us anymore? Distinctly we should be able to recognize what’s right and what’s wrong in how we interact and treat each other. Because time is too short and to precious to appreciate life such as it is in any given day we have alive on earth. Tomorrow is not promised, this year has been truly devastating in many ways. So we must find the love ❤️ of God in our hearts, pray for each other and appreciate one another little bit more. We can easily be here today and gone tomorrow, better yet even gone before the sun ☀️ sets. That how precious life is. So cherish every moment and time you get, even while wearing a face mask 😷 you still breathing. God is still GOOD! James 4:14  Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.
      It’s important to always value Life above current circumstances
      You see it’s not about Santa Claus 🎅🏼 🤶🏼 reindeers, with Christmas 🎄 trees and lights, even though that’s all nice and lovely to see. But what are putting our hope and investing yourselves in these days? Is it really CHRIST or is it the Christmas presences 🎄🎁 under the tree. Well as you know this year has been pretty tough and apparently overwhelmingly rough on us all. But don’t get side tracked or misled by all the negativity all around although we had to make many concessions this year and sacrifices. JEUS still has paid the ultimate sacrifice by giving his life for us on Calvary. Born of a virgin girl, became a man the only begotten Son of God. For in this we have all hope for a better life here on earth and over in glory one day. May God bless us all to reflect on all the good, perfect and true promises of His eternal love ❤️ from our Father in HEAVEN..🙏🏽 grace & peace for us all. Amen! MERRY CHRISTMAS 🎄🎁 and a Happy New Year 2021!  John 3:16
      16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
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    • Purposed 2 Life Inspirational #74 Determination is the solution to overcoming all problems

      PERSEVERANCE with a spirit of tenacity results in a person who fully committed to win

      WHEN YOU’re FOCUSED ON A GOAL AND YOUR in determination mode you will never give up!

      The predicaments of life ultimately do one ☝🏽 thing or another ✌🏽to you, they cause you to rise to the occasion or cause you to given into the adversity. Often times to accomplish something in life your have to push pass the pain, the inconvenience and the struggles and challenges that come your way. Life is just that way, seems cruel at times but that’s can also be a motivation to press forward, endure trials and test just be able to say you made it through. Easier said than done, right, but it’s not impossible. A lot of our on hang ups, hiccups and downfalls are all because we gave up way too soon. How crazy is that. You’re fighter not a quitter! 🥊 🥊

      Just when you where on the brink of a major breakthrough you contemplated about bowing out and throwing in the towel. As you were Knocking your head against the wall, saying what do I do now...💁🏽‍♂️ I’m stuck, I’m at a lost for which wat to go? Nobody to turn too or help me out of this mess. Perhaps you didn’t realize that you are not alone, it’s just feels lonesome at times. But it’s GOD’s way of maturing you, it’s what’s builds true character. Psychology your mind works that way, solutions don’t always appear evident or present. Don’t mean they are not already there at your exposure. But we have to do what seems really the hardest to do at times, is to just don’t QUIT trusting God there’s a turnaround coming. We have 🛑 STOP, feeling sorry for yourself, and throwing these pity party, that is not the solution. If we put more energy into pushing past or struggles of negative thoughts we become more apt to evoke a positive outlook on our future. Today’s inabilities doesn’t cancel out tomorrow’s ability to obtain what you want achieve.

      RLW Ministries: The true test of a man 👨🏻 👨🏽 and woman 👩🏽 👩🏻 is that he or she sees his or herself own victory, even when no ones else believes in him or her. No matter the current circumstances nothing can stop him or her if their determined enough from overcoming what seemed to be an insurmountable problem. It’s how bad does one want to succeed is the question? Can’t anyone put the brakes on you but you. If  have to take on this mindset, if there’s a whole, I’ll climb out of it, if there’s forest 🌳 of trees in my way I’ll cut it down just see my destiny.  Your spirit of tenacious ability will ultimately get you to succeed on any given day, through whatever comes your way. You are determined to overcome it all. When all others and everything else has failed you, still trust God. 🙏🏽 At the end of the day Let it be your daily pray and recipe to succeed.     Galations 6:9 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

      Food for thought: the only way to get out of a bad situation or any problem your facing, is to get up and do something about what you’re going through or what you’re up against. Your resources maybe limited at the moment and it may seem like you’ve been dealt a bad hand, but Jesus is your help. Nobody else is going to hold hand 👏🏽👏🏽 applaud you all the time. No one will take the time out to dry all your tears 😭 and be your everyday cheerleader. 📣 It’s all on you, and with the help the LORD. You have the innate ability to overcome all adversity, beat all odds, climb 🧗‍♀️ out of ever valley to reach the mountain top and endure every storm. You determination assures you of reaching your destination. Your willingness to keep going, and hold on by tightening your grip, and never letting go, even when life gets too rocky and too hard, will result in you overcoming anything that gets in your way. You are DETERMINED and you will not stop nor give in, because your impossible just became POSSIBLE all because you didn’t lose hope to believe in God, for He is surely with all the way. So aren’t you glad, you didn’t QUIT!

      Isaiah 41:10

      “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” King James Version (KJV)

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    • Purposed 2 Life Inspirational #75 Evaluate your day, is being happy on the menu

      What you order or subscribe to, can Ultimately become hard or easy to stomach or digest! 

      MaKe sure your plate is full of Peaceful pleasures that make your life full of joy all day every day!

      Food for thought: no pond intended, but as you set in a restaurant and peruse the menu, 📖  🍱 🥘 have you ever thought about what would it be like if you didn’t have the preference or freedom to order what you like or what sounded delicious to you, even though you had to pay for it?  That’s sounds crazy or probably out of the question for most, it would certainly take the fun and pleasure out of the whole experience right?..,Well if you put it into every day context, most of us do that with our own lives, we let circumstances and situations we face throughout life dictate what makes us feel or think a certain way. All because we except or receive what others say or do to us negatively. Trust me, I know all to well, about letting irritating people or negative people suck the happiness right of my day. But just because someone is serving negative vibes or spoiled conversation that upsets me, does that mean I got to listen 🎧 or acknowledge it as my plate I’m eating from today. ABSOLUTELY NO! I’m the only one who has the power to control my daily emotions and attitude, you are what you eat, is what the old saying says; whether it’s a good demeanor or a bad one today, no one controls that but you not people. And that’s just it, most people will eventually leave you alone if they see that, those undesirable things they are serving you are left uneaten or left on the table right were it was  bought to you by that wrong person. This will let them know it’s not what you ordered and they might as well take it to another person or another table, because you don’t have the stomach for it today. EXACTLY, no room for negativity. my plate is already full of good stuff, and that’s all I can Digest is: 🍎🍊🍇🍌🍊positive, uplifting, inspirational, encouragement and nothing but good vibes, today. So if what you’re bringing to me is not any of that, please keep it moving, I don’t have the time of the appetite for anything else. Psalm 107:9 ESV / For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things.       RLW Ministries: we a lot of times, let the miserable thoughts and feelings of others alter our lives just by what we let be dumped into our laps. But how unfair is that? Do we not care about the most important person in our lives is SELF? Yes, your own happiness depends on what you do each day. If we surround ourselves with negativity and thoughts  💭 of pain, saddens🥲 or hurt then ultimately we become a garbage can for others to dump their hurt into us and we become contaminated with their gilt and filth too. What a miserable life to have yourself turn into “OSCAR, THE GROUCH. “ All we began to know is gospel of bad news, past miseries, worries of pain, and nothing but woe is me sob stories. WHO wants to endure that everyday? NOT ME! So if you hope to have a good healthy emotional life stop 🛑 letting folks dump their trash 🗑 into to your life or onto your happy day. Close the led, cut off the connection, shut down the access. Then you will see clearly the value of who you really are and who you’re purposed to become.
      For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.
      A man or woman can only see themselves getting up out of a rut or a place of misery when they have gotten sick and tired of the same old same bad experiences they’ve been in. If you stay around unpleasant circumstances or in a undesirable place long enough, it should strike some initiative in you to get yourself up and start to pursue life in a more productive manner. Nothing will change or get better you don’t first. It’s in your mindset  but it’s ultimately in your actions too. Just as the old saying goes, ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! Become your greatest promoter, the head cheerleader of team ME! When you lift yourself up, your day ☀️starts to look 👀 up. Your attitude will change, your mental and emotion State will change. You will find out that you are healing from all those past scars and what use to bother you or disrupt your day, has no power or authority over you any longer. So as a result, your “soup 🍜 for tge soul” will consist of only what makes you feel good and happy. That’s what you’ve ordered and it’s what you’ve subscribe too. May your life be full of many JOYS  and PEACEFUL thoughts each and every day! John 16:3 KJV Bible These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.  
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