May your impact on Life Make The DIFFERENCE of some positive change for somebody Else’s Life What you do effects…
What you’re building Takes Endurances, because its designed to last a life time When everything else is crumbling all around…
To have hope is to expect results, but to have faith is to produce The manifestation as the Evidence of Hope Is…
TotAl Perfection & only just PERFORMANCE are pOlar opposiTes but the wisdom of God Eludes A GENUINE heart to render…
When you’re DISENFRANCHISED or Disrepected by anyOne It can leave you feeling small, but don’t loose your self-worth in…
Life is Full of test & trials but To makE it through depends on your Faith & eNdurance Many start…
Making a Difference but leaving a positive impact on lives is most important Our Footprint throughout life must have a…
Faith what is it to you, dreams, hope or your UNWAVERING Trust in God? No doubt our faith in God…
Prayer activated with faith makes God move in Many mIraculous ways There’s nothing in life that can not be restored…
A new bEGinning is a open OppOrtunity to Transition for a better fresh new start As the saying goes, when…