Lookng back on passed times cherisHed helps Us to understand how precious life is Moving forward A man or woman…
Promoting your gift brings about success What you speak well of will show in what you produce Ecclesiastes 9:11 King…
Any day is a great day to be good and Gentle towards Our neighbors Be thankful for your life each…
To walk in sERvanthood takes humilty, but to be a servant You must also have charitY Taking on the attributes…
To Be blessed of god is unmatched, outdone by no one greater, his hands are the authority on your life As…
celebrate the man that gave you life, but salute the father who PLANTED the seed and took RESPONSIBILITY as a real daddy…
ADjustments to Change are inevitable but the right Reaction in your Situation iS Crucial Never let life dictate your actions…
Rewards in Life never comes easy when it Has True VALUE The greatest achievements happen is those individuals that exhibit…
The power to FUlfill your POtential iS through faitH Maximize your ability to succeed by taking a stands on reaching…
The Power of Promise is SECURED in the faith of Those who beliEve God’s Word is always backed with truth,…