New dayS & circumstances Requires old wayS of steadfastness
Over the horizon may be your day break but hold true regardless

Luke 12:42 King James Version (KJV)
“And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?”
Our day begins with so much uncertainty and so many things to handle that are not always what we expect or what we want them to be. Can you imagine how our creator God feels as He sees our challenges and answers all our troubles and prayers? He remains Faithful. But what if he didn’t because it wasn’t what he wanted to do? Or It was not fun to listen to our gripes and pities and woes cause He perhaps didn’t feel like being faithful? Ohh 😲 my can you just think how chaotic and disastrous that would be. But despite what we do He is always true to us, never failing in any given situation. God is always on the throne but he is also a friend very near by our side holding our hands through the toughest of time. Still faithful and true is He, the essence of Dependibilty.
My expressions to you may be presented in various questionary forms but it is to bring a sense of awareness to your own personal faithfulness. Now some of us may not even consider this a fracture and how we are to people, most importantly how we are to our God determines if we have that faithful GENE or trait. But it’s crucial because how you conduct our life in this regard will surely set a pattern of many things to come later. Are we good stewards over what we have been given? Has life been the typical picture-graft of ups & downs or has our life been constantly getting better because we’ve been faithful in what we have and what we’re put here on earth 🌏 to do?
Well this may not be your personal report card to evaluate yourself with, but it sure can be a mirror to reflect yourself work/worth in. As you examine your life and all you are capable of doing, let it be an assurance inwardly that you always put your best foot forward and begin walking in dignity at a constant pace. You’ve never let up off the race to reach your full potential and destiny to remain Faithful to the end and true to God’s promise. That if your faithful over a few things He will make you ruler over many. So, from day to day let this become your Mantra!🤗
I may not have the best of everything but I surely put my best in all things.
As your day begins till it ends again we must be faithful & true to what God calls us to do. 🙏
Numbers 23:19 King James Version (KJV) “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?”