ACHIEVEMENTS Are not just goals THey aRe NECESSITIES of self fulFillment
If you persevere through the struggles you gain the rewards of great accomplishments
Proverbs 16:3 “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”
The success of an individual is measured ⚖differently by there peers than what their public image persona is perceived all by what they have accomplished throughout life. 💵💰 The money they have gained is considered a success by some. Education is another aspect that factors in as well. Some even view success by how many cars 🚙🚗 and houses 🏡🏠 one possess. But the questions are how do you measure your own success? Is it in the material things or is it much deeper than that? I believe in a much greater meaningful purpose! It is how people view all your hard work that led you to such a proudful achievement is what counts. But more importantly what makes true success is feeling good about your own personal goals you’ve obtained in life. Acknowledging the fact God gave you the strength, knowledge, wisdom and the guts to go after it is critical. No matter how many thumbs-ups, 👍pats on the back or hand 🤝shakes you get from others you must become happy with your own self achievements through all the challenges you’ve overcome with the right spirit. See it’s one thing to get acculades from others but more importantly you look at yourself everyday in the mirror can you be proud of your own self? Consider this: Team me, has to be happy 🏅with what I achieve. Not that you don’t appreciate the praises of others and their support, and applauses that build you up on occasion; but knowing you gave it your all makes it all worth while. Doing it all with purpose and with a mind to do it God’s way makes all the difference. No one can offer that or give that sense of self fulfillment to you but you. If you’re looking for others to validate that for you, you’re kidding yourself. Sorry to inform you, That’s false hope! Remember…….
RLW ministries: “Life want just hand you any achievements automatically, if you want to claim it, you must go after it!”
You become a success when you decide to be one. That’s a personal goal decision that should not be approached lightly. Your not only building something each day that will leave a legacy for others to aspire to be. But actually it solidifies your footprints 👣on your journey to greater things being accomplished along the way, God has already in place predestined for you, all alone. Overcoming your own challenges will allow many promising possibilities to be achieved for many years to come. You’ll become even more prouder that you kept pushing for greater success each day you never settled for less you continued to give it your best.
There’s nothing like being proud of giving your best effort, you can then own the results of true success 
Psalm 37:34 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”