Lookng back on passed times cherisHed helps Us to understand how precious life is Moving forward
A man or woman can’t acknowledge where he or she is going on a journey without realizing from where or how far God has brought them 
Psalm 119:59-60 — “I have considered my ways and have turned my steps to your statutes. I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.”
There are times we’ve told ourselves man, I wish I could do that again, that was fun. Or we’ve said I wish I could have a do over on that one I wouldn’t make that mistake again. We’ve told ourselves if I could go back in time I would fix this or that, but if we really admit it to ourselves, it would only change that event it wouldn’t really change us. See the only thing that changes our way of thinking or behavior is accepting who God desires us to be now, regardless of our past experiences. Our right now defines us not the past. It’s hard to get an individual to improve upon his way of thinking 💭 if his or her views are stuck in the past constantly. Have you heard anybody say you can take a 🙅🏼♂️man out the country or ghetto but you can’t take the country or ghetto out the man? It’s so true, a person has to want to get better for themselves in order to get better. There’s nothing wrong with looking back if your looking back with gratitude and appreciation. But if it’s hindering your way of progress you need to digress and move on forward. Life is full of many sad and challenging situations and even at times we are so grieve stricken with lost of love ones, friends, jobs or what have you, we can’t see ourselves better or out of the heavy situations we’re in. But if you can just allow yourself to think a little clearer for a second, you can begin to see a new horizon in the distance set to alter the very course of your future destination. Continue to reflect on life but only entertain what God has promised you. Not what people in this life may have done to you or against you to make your struggle that more difficult. Know that your Purposed with Divine Vision so you can see things already better than before!
RLW ministries: As you’ve grown up throughout life you probably 👂🏻heard the expression; EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST TEACHER! Well that’s not entirely true. People experience a lot of various things over the years but it doesn’t equate to gaining wisdom or better perspective. Although it leaves an impression upon your life that in many ways are unforgettable. Now whatever you have fund memories of those good experiences or maybe not so good ones depends on what your reflecting on🤦🏻♀️🤦🏽♂️. Life is sometimes tricky that way. Our minds automatically stores unpleasant passed experiences as well as the good ones. It’s up to us to gain from the positive influences of our past life may have been and learn from the negative things that impacted us adversely, but ultimately didn’t destroy us in the process. What we do as we look back in our figurative mirrors of life is incumbent upon our present actions as a progressive stable minded person with the ability to transition forward with a more profound way of thinking.
You can never move completely forward in life if you can’t accept what you went through or experienced in the past, it was not all intended to hold you back or cripple you. But to the contrary, it ultimately shaped you, to envision Greater, Bigger and more wiser than you ever were before. Your life experiences were and are a tool and the vehicle 🚗 to move you into a place of peace & tranquility full of the abundant blessings of GOD. Healing and shifting you far past your yesterday, yester-year; hurt, pain or misery. It’s time you see yourself even more happy than ever. 😊 You are a forward moving vehicle with only a rear view mirror not a stationary vanity that reflects your hurtful past, designed for only that one purpose. Indeed! REMEMBER: your life has new purpose, new meaning all because of your life-long experiences that keep you looking forward. 🙏RLW ministries
Lamentations 3:40 — “Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the Lord.”
What have you experienced in this stage of life that has given you a better since of worth and purpose? I know we all have gone through a great deal but we must evaluate the progress or lack there of as we move forward. No one is beyond growth, work and improvement but CHRIST himself. And even He continues to work on us, until the day of His return. So should we!!! As you’re looking back on your daily journey hopefully the wisdom of God’s instructions is the governing tool for which you rule your life too. You are given a short amount of time on this earth 🌏 make it worth the time spent. Your continuous efforts, your DIVINE ASSIGNMENT is not complete and accomplished by regret and reluctantcy. You have got to put all of your faith into all of the work you have and will do until it’s all said and done ✅ till your last breath. Life is what you make of it, but no one can build your testimony of great victories and achievements but you. As you work towards goals in life and set time frames to obtain them, don’t cheat yourself out of what could be your greatest reward yet. You are the pilot 👩✈️ of life’s automobile don’t let your mirror dictate only where you’ve gone. There is too much to accomplish ahead. So when your time is up and your days have expired you would’ve made yourself, family and your creator (God) pleased with your full life’s reflection.
As the sun sets on your life may your reflection of your self-examination be such a rewarding one that you can rest peacefully on into Eternity
Corinthians 13:5 — “Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith; test yourselves. Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you—unless, of course, you fail the test?”
Wow. This is God! God has been dealing with my spirit all week about leaving my past behind me because He wants to do a new thing in my life. I’m reminded of Paul when he admonished the church to forget those things that are behind us and to reach forth towards the things that are before us. As stated above we must leave our misfortunes, brokenness, and heartaches in the past and allow God to fully heal and restore us from the inside out. That way we can live the abundant life that God has promised us.
Indeed! My sister, I take little credit from the post it’s definitely all God. Paul writes so many encouraging letters to the church. He embodied the scripture as he taught it (truth) and wrote it so profoundly. It’s through the great efforts Christ and the Apostle Paul and many, many others that we can overcome anything past, present and to come. Stay prayerful & encouraged my sister great things are on the way for you. I extend to you my prayers and professional help in promoting your ministry to the next level. It is with God’s divine help, I offer my help in mentoring you to be a success in the Kingdom.
Thx again for your following me here
🙏God bless & favor
RLW ministries
Thanks so much for the encouraging words and yes im willing to allow you to help me along with your professional ministerial expertise. Please do keep me in your prayers because it is my desire to prosper in God.
Your so welcome as always. And I touch an agree in the spirit with you. That all things shall come to past concerning you and your hearts desire in Christ our Lord. My prayers are surely with you.
👏God bless & favor
RLW ministries
I’m going to work on writing a book. Any suggestions?
Hey Gwen
That AWESOME! Please Give me a call around 8:15–8:30pm it would be easier to discuss details over the phone. My contact info is @ the bottom of my blog site.
Or you can inbox me FB whenever ok for future questions always.