Expecting the best, when bad happens
How do you move on when tragic things hit so close to home?

This is my Offical post for this month of January 2020. It’s been one whole year and one month since I’ve last wrote a blog post. I have missed sharing with you all so much. But I’ve been very busy completing writing ✍🏾 my 3rd book 📚titled: “PURPOSED TO MAKE A DIVINE IMPACT ON EARTH” 🌎 its an awesome 👏🏽 read.! And I’ll be announcing its release soon right on this forum and other social media platforms.
So As I’m writing ✍🏾 this new post, I’ll like to take a moment to bring some awareness to how precious and valuable our life is, as if you don’t already know. But, Of course like anyone else, I’m so unaware of what this year 2020 holds for me or anyone in my immediate life.
Many Good things hopefully!
I do know, I live my life hoping and trusting for the best even after I get knocked down or seemly knocked out with some major blows sometimes. Reality has its way of effecting your perspective differently on what’s important. Especially when you hear of someone else’s difficult time of sadness 😢 or pain they’re enduring. So I like to share with you my today’s experience, story etc.., So, a lady stopped 🛑 me in my moms apartment elevator today just to let me in on her personal story of hardship. Most people would say, oh well, I got my own problems and concerns why should I listen to anyone else’s stuff too? But I did, and took time out of my busy day just to listen and let her vent. You never know how much that helps people sometimes when they’re in need.
Many go through a lot of us Stressing, Worrying 💁🏻and Praying 🙏🏽 just trying to keep the faith in a state of difficulty can be a full time job for some or maybe many, given the right scenario or set of circumstances. Well this lady that has had some past history of me visiting my moms building frequently, knew I was a minister also, so she decided to confide in me…And her story is quite compelling, and very complex too. She asked “have I heard of a guy being detained over-sees in some foreign country?” But I answered no, I haven’t. Well, just so happened the guy is her 59 year old son who was held hostage for doing missionary work. Can you imagine, entrapped in this foreign country for spreading the ✝️ gospel? Well he certainly is, although the government 🇺🇸has got somewhat involved, he still remains stuck there, all to no avail from the slight efforts of Vice President Pence or TRUMP, 👎🏽who knowingly has somehow intervened in some way.
So, this really kind senior lady’s son who’s a dedicated missionary, has only been released to stay in a whole in the wall type rinky-dink hotel. And he’s still very much isolated from the rest of the public is now living off very little comfortable means even though he had missionary funds to do his work fully well. He’s work and trip is surly not playing out under any desirable means and has only gotten worse. Those foreign authorities are daily punishing him over there just to be unusually harsh, cruel and anti-Christians. After being blown away from her sad story, I calmly asked for her son’s name, “it’s BRIAN, she replied, and I told her I would remember his name in my prayers. I’ll like to think 🤔 and believe this fraction of my time listening to her and kindly offering prayers made her day as she said, she had been meaning to catch me as I visited my mom. Life is full of unexpected things but we can help carrying each other’s load in prayers and time with common concern for others. WELL, what’s next, one may think?….

Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Often we find ourselves or even our family members find themselves in the most precarious or unimaginable situation and circumstances that are truly out of our control. Even when we seek to do good, evil, trouble and tragedy is somewhere all around us. Sometimes our best efforts still is not good enough to bail us out of what we’re going through and the tight grips of despair 😩 and sadness are the constant reminders of the complexities of LIFE So how do we cope with these unfortunate and unfair conditions? How do we make sense of what don’t make no sense? The Only solution I know is, to keep 🧎♀️ 🙏🏽 🧎♀️ looking up, and never GIVE-up, and never loose-HOPE in Jesus! He’s the author and finisher of our Faith!
Psalm 121:1-2 KJV
121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.2 My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

RLW Ministries: Sometimes life doesn’t seem fair, and you’re often dealt a bad hand 🖐🏽. Just know you’re life is not over and neither is your journey to freedom and victory nor has been canceled as long as you’re still breathing. Trust, You still have HOPE, a real DESTINY and a true opportunity to be victorious even when all odds are stacked against you, There’s a testimony awaiting you in the end, if your hold on never let go, GOD will deliver you, When all else has failed, He’s love ❤️ never ✝️ will! Be encourage, keep the faith and remember who holds your future ⏰ in His hand (GOD). 👏🏽